So its April 5th and officially Spring and yesterday we had a surprise snowstorm! Winter and Spring just can’t seem to make up their minds. I know the feeling because my life is going through some major changes and I can’t seem to make up my mind either. I’m just like one of those daffodils who was all excited to bloom only to be hit by a blast of cold and left frozen and confused. But that’s how life goes sometimes and you have to sit with your thoughts and figure it out as best as you can.
So instead of letting myself feel overwhelmed about moving, family issues, and a zillion other things I thought I’d cheer myself up. One thing that always lifts me up and brings positive inspiration is fresh flowers. So I headed over to Traders Joe’s and picked myself up a nice colorful bunch!
There were these little fragrant fuchsia flowers and a couple of them fell off and I found myself deconstructing them and of course turning them into patterns. This process was like a meditation and I found my mind feeling much more relaxed and a heck of a lot quieter!
This was looking so pretty until I sneezed and it all blew away! Oh well nothing lasts forever right! I took some photos and was playing around in Photoshop with them, here’s what I made 🙂