“Begonias” Pastel and Gouache on Paper 29″ x 17″ “Harley” Pastel and Gouache on Paper “Reflecting” Pastel on Colourfix Paper 24″ x 19″ “Poppies” Pastel and Gouache on Paper 15″ x 25″ “Summer Giraffes” Pastel on Paper “8 x 10” SOLD “Emerald Hydrangeas” Pastel and Gouache on Paper 12″ x 20″ “Blooming Neon” Gouache and Pastel on Paper 15″ x 25″ “Mantar” Pastel & Gouache 16″ x 20″ “Jewel Hydrangeas” Pastel and Gouache on Paper 40″ x 15″ “Gray to Red” Pastel, Gouache, Ink, Graphite, on Paper 13″ x 27″ “Chicka-D-D-D” Pastel on Colourfix Paper “Cherry Cupcakes” Pastel on Paper “Blue Blooms” Pastel and Gouache on Paper “Mia” Pastel on Paper 11″ x 14″ “Ranunculus” Pastel, Gouache, and Graphite on Paper 13″ x 26″ “Rosebuds” Pastel on Paper 12″ x 15″ “Pastel Hydrangeas” Pastel and Gouache on Paper “White Majestic” Panpastel on Pastelmat Paper 27″ x 19″ “Jack” Pastel on Paper 11″ x 14″ “Shall we fly?” Pastel on Paper “Aunt Karens Lilacs” Pastel on Paper “Flamingo Flowers” Pastel on Paper “Flight”